
发布时间:2022-06-19 06:30   编辑:山猫体育直播
  The Warriors opened this past season at +900 to win the 2021-22 NBA Finals, which were the third-lowest odds of an eventual NBA champion in the past five years. The ‘18-19 Raptors had the lowest odds recently at +1850.
  Golden State’s odds shifted again throughout the regular season and in the playoffs. At the start of the postseason, the Warriors were 10/1 (+1000) to win the Finals. However, Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green were able to defy the odds as a No. 3 seed and find themselves back into the winner circle.
  Golden State is the odds-on favorite to win the NBA title next season at +562, per Vegas Insider. It wouldn't be a shock to see the Warriors win the NBA title again, as they have their core intact and young players who will play significant roles next season. Below, we’ll look at a couple of our favorite pre-draft, pre-free agency value bets as we head into the offseason.
  Denver Nuggets (+1675). The Nuggets could be a tremendous sleeper pick in the West next season to challenge the Warriors for the crown. Denver has the reigning two-time NBA MVP in Nikola Jokic and should have both Jamal Murray (left knee) and Michael Porter Jr. (back), who played a combined nine games.
  如果穆雷和小波特还是受伤前的样子,丹佛将是一支不可忽视的力量。掘金队有天赋和深度(亚伦·戈登、威尔·巴顿、蒙特·莫里斯、Bones Hyland)成为西部前三名。
  Philadelphia 76ers (+1450). Yes, they’ve struggled to consistently go deep in the playoffs, but with James Harden likely (?) returning next season to play alongside Joel Embiid, the Sixers have a shot to be playing next June.

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